
take off the pressure and use the pressure cooker

we gave away our microwave about 4 years ago, we don't own a toaster oven (although on the list of things to buy), but instead use the conventional stove top and oven for all of our cooking needs. i rather enjoy reheating things the old fashioned way, making popcorn and just cooking in general when things take a little longer to reach perfection. 
i have to admit, sometimes you just want things done in a jiffy and at the end of a long work day, with a tired and hungry baby, cooking dinner can be a challenge. we tend to prefer making meals ourselves. it saves us money, we know what we're getting and it's almost therapeutic for me. i grew up in a household where my mom, who worked full-time, cooked every night. there was no question, so it seems only natural that i would provide the same for my family.
then i discovered the pressure cooker. this was a gift from my dad one christmas. he always comes up with good gifts to get us girls. things you wouldn't think of as needing, but always wind up coming in handy. the pressure cooker has been a good friend to me this fall and winter! a full meal complete with veggies, meat and grains is ready in 15 minutes! it has been such a blessing, to get a hot, home cooked meal on the table, before diegas even walks in the door. 
it's also allowed me to experiment. barley that usually takes 1.5 hours on the stove top, takes a mere 15 minutes in the pressure cooker. the beauty of it, there is no measuring involved. throw in some stew meat, some broccoli, a little wine (maybe some teriyaki, ginger and other spices), some beef broth and whatever other veggies and barley. brown the meat first and then add your other goods, before putting the lid on and counting the minutes from when the steam starts to escape via the weight. it's a comforting sound to those that grew up with hearing it around dinner time, in the colder months. and the taste is pure comfort too! try any combo of veggies, grains (and meat if you so choose. chicken also comes out deeelish)!

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