
from scratch

final product, homemade gift 2011 - vanilla extract and d's spice rub
for the fourth year in a row, we have handmade most of our gifts for the majority of our family, for the holiday. on my side, we've made the gift exchange a "handmade" gift giving theme. over the years, the exchange has been creative, fun and economical. i'm always eager to see what my sisters and parents  have come up with and of course to see their reaction to our handmade goodies.
mom found a recipe for lip balm and used beeswax from property bees
10 years of holiday card collecting, mom cut them and hole punched to give us with string for garlands or gift tags next year

dad created fire starters (no more kindling) by using old candle wax, dryer lint in egg cartons

emily made a delicious assortment of truffles, mint, nut topped and cookie dough

anna went the handmade-purchase route and gifted a beautiful assortment of teas
another gift from anna - bottle brush animal ornaments, could they be any cuter?

vanilla in production, just 40% alcohol and vanilla beans - result vanilla extract
vanilla in the works, made two months prior so ready for use at xmas
spices from d, hand ground measured and packaged
these spices are requested throughout the year
2009's gift - sugar scrub
2008's gift, rosemary infused olive oil and d's rub

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