
full heart = glass half full

not much to say. just feeling blessed. thought i'd give a update on little e and summarize her favorite, topics, words and actions that blow her mama and papa away and often cause our hearts to be full.
too many words to list, but here are some that are significant or just plain cute!
bano = banjo
up = you got it (over and over and over again)
poo poo (she now tugs at my arm to let me know)
paw-ye = potty
ah-go-sveeng-now (i go to the swings now)
hi-yo = hello (grabs any telephone, remote or object resembling a phone)

turns around to crawl down stairs
pushes your hand away if you try to hold her hand while walking
walks around with her dolly on her shoulder, rocks her, gives her a bottle or water
puts animals and dollies on the rocking horse to give them a ride
makes a yum yum noise to show she's hungry or pertending to eat
shows with her hands how the rain comes down (when talking about rain or singing itsy-bitsy)
bounces or bobs to music or songs
sits in laps when being red a story (and always hugs during a hug part of the story)
flips to the page where she knows the word ("sveeng" "boom,boom,boom")
puts her hand out for her papa to kiss, she sees a picture of him doing that to her in a book
goes through the family album and picks out every picture of emily and says "emi"
wants to look at emi on the wall of family photos (even when emi is there in person).
goes around the house and says no to things she's been told about
makes our technology wacky with one fell swoop
plays baby aps on mama's phone
goes to the ("paw-ye-o")patio to look for papa out side and the front picture window
**gives us the biggest hugs around the neck and slobbery kisses on the lips out of the blue**

loves to listen to the potty book and flush the potty and say "paw-ye"
loves to go the swings and see the ("patos") ducks at the park
loves to discuss the birds in the sky and search for them, she can do a crow (caaw) and a dove (whowho,who)

we love you sweet girl.
(one additional 14month-love-of-hers, is to the play the "pano" (piano) and sing along. she first started playing with her great-grandma lu and now plays at her auntie jackies. the word and task is taking a close second to her love for the "sveengs.") ;)


lauriewelsh said...

so so so sweet

Rebecca Zavala said...

This is the sweetest little note about Evia ever. She's so precious and she has the best Mama & Papa. I love that she gives the biggest hugs and slobbery kisses out of the blue :)