
the roaring twenties in our thirties

this little lady, helped me with all my outfit selections. so many fabulous rhinestone pieces from the era to chose from. thank you gami! we're doing our best 1920s photo expression.
 diegas' company party as of late has been held in early january. probably saves them a nickel, but keeps the holiday spirit going for all those attending. i look forward to it every year, because they really do celebrate their employees. for this mama that doesn't get out all that much - it's a fun excuse to get dressed up, eat a delicious meal and enjoy an evening sans bebes with the hubby. paaaaar-tay.

well boy did they pull out all the stops for this year's party. i should start by saying that when i learned of the theme, twenties soiree, i was super excited and when i got there, i literally felt like the party was tailored to me. i have this connection to the 1920s...it speaks to me, i belong. maybe it's the flappers - dancing with their glittery, feathery moves, or the riskiness of prohibition, the speakeasies, the simpler time of the era. i'm sure i've romanticized it all in my head, but most of the decade's elements bring me joy. i smiled from ear-to-ear the entire evening and this thirty-something definitely felt like she was twenty something! i left the soiree wondering if i would ever experience another celebration so grand and so delightful. it was absolutely spectacular planners, job well done! boardwalk...eat your heart out:
evia helped me get ready and needed her pretty nails painted too! she clapped with wrist-gloves on for which necklace or hair piece she thought i should wear
she patiently waited and watched as i created finger waves and pin curls. she told me i "was beautiful like cinderella" (didn't know she knew who cinderella was) and that i "looked like [her] now with curly hair." if you ever need help getting ready, she's an honest sounding board.
me and my handsome gent!
cigarette girls handing out money bags (with raffle tickets, gambling bucks, drink tickets)
a number of fabulous actors walking the party "you're the it girl" he said. later he played a police chief dressed in vintage regalia with a thick new york accent.

newspaper boy "selling" for a nickel, also later doubled as a police officer
the ballroom was black linens with white feathers as centerpieces. 36" white balloons and crystal chandeliers

20 piece live big-band and cigarette girls turned flappers - la based "bling divas" - check out their website!
the lights went out after dinner and the doors were opened by "1920s police officers" busting the GM of the company for bootlegging. 20 minute skit that thoroughly entertained the entire room
officers were bribed to drop all charges with an invitation to "the best party in town," curtains opened to "klub karl" speakeasy
black jack, craps, roulette casino corner of room
with their first number during dinner, i wanted to be up there with them and as they continued to perform throughout the evening i was flapper-enamored

smores station and silent movies
black and white photo strip
my old character shoes, with my great grandmother's rhinestone shoe clips
the girls first sibling sleepover at nana and grandpa's. enjoying things like nana's macaroni and cheese, ice cream and you know laying on the bear skin rug next to the fire!
breakfast for two

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