
valentine's forever

its been about a month since my latest update on the zavala fambam. mostly just the daily events taking place, with one exception: valentine's day. since the addition of our two littlest humans we have made it a family day to celebrate love...and this year it really left me thinking about how lucky i am to be surrounded by so much love and goodness in my life EVERYday. so many know this feeling of overwhelming happiness for our children, husbands, parents, siblings, extended family and dear friends. we look at our wee ones and our heart almost aches with love. it's crazy! 

those feelings are a reminder too that life is precious and we are blessed by every single person that bring us joy. i send my thoughts and prayers to people who have lost those they love. their hearts also ache. 

remember to LISTEN and be present, SPEAK your appreciation and SEE those little faces in front of you wanting your attention. i too get lost in my daily duties and need a reminder to just BE. 

below are some photos over the last month that celebrate the LOVE in my life:

reading with grandpa

date night with my other half

valentine's deliciousness

mamarazzi really? can you point that thing somewhere else!?

my cupids

stepped back into the studio....love for dance, in my soul

cousins, melt my heart

hold me and put the camera down

our nature lover, not sure where she get's it?

love for our town

snuggle bugs

3rd generation friends

nana bath during staycation...they LOVE their nana!

silly mama

channel islands park center

soccer siesta

watching papa during softball

with dear friends...e's audience

my dad's garden deliciousness

cherub face

wishes on walk

pulls to standing

pool with cousin elena


we've got a crawler

big girl ponytail
my forever


Jordan said...

Love love LOVE reading your blog Jessica! So many great shots, big smiles to you and the whole beautiful fam!

lauriewelsh said...

Love this and your fam. You rock.