
"brown paper packages tied up with string"

this holiday season, i was inspired to create a gift box for those merriment-friends that have inspired me in 2009 and whom i'm wishing a successful 2010. i've always been a fan of using brown paper and recycled packages, tied up with sting...which usually makes me sing the tune from sound of music for the rest of the day. this year i was inclined to actually give, a few of my "favorite things." when making this gift yourself, the contents can be your own personal favorites. i find homemade treats are a thoughtful, eco-friendly and cost effective approach. my favorites are chocolate! here are a few photos of the goodies i included in my gift box. i have to say they were happily received.

jessica foster truffles - in my holiday package were pomegranate (for the season) and ancho-chile cumin, a perfect compliment to the mexican hot chocolate (below). these bite-size bits of handmade goodness are made here in santa barbara, by jessica herself and are as gourmet as chocolate gets! see jessica's website for other delicious flavors.
hot cookie.com chocolate chip cookies - another locally made treat. i personally can't get enough of chocolate chip cookies, they're my ultimate dessert and even better when someone else makes them for you and you just enjoy!

ibarra hot chocolate - a version of mexican hot chocolate and a family favorite that is perfect on a cold winter night. with a little cayenne, you'll give it an added kick!

indulgence the home spa gift certificate - we all need to toast to ourselves, especially after a long year. indulgence provides the luxury of spa treatments in the comfort of your home! a thank you to carol of indulgence, who generously donated the gift certificates. a great way to motivate us to take the time.

i wish everyone a very happy holiday. may your 2010 be filled with health, prosperity, love and merriment.

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