
relating to reality?

should i feel bad about my happiness for reality tv? i am in my ultimate vice of relaxation when sitting back and watching k & k take new york/or k & k take miami, ....or bethenny after rhwnyc. why have we turned into a tv nation of watching other people go about their daily tasks? i've contemplated this questions on one too many occasions, mainly because the hubby says i'm obsessed. obsessed, i would say i'm not (it's a documentary, right?). i've dropped every other regularly scheduled tv program that used to be part of my weekly schedule, after having the babe. nothing is more entertaining then just watching her! but after she closes her little eyes, i like to sit back and enjoy a little mommy-tv.

i've discovered my interest in the shows - is "relating to reality." both ladies: kourtney and bethenny had babies the same year i had little e. i found myself watching these programs, as if to check in on my mommy-friends bethenny and kourtney. as if they were the mom's in my playgroup (as a full time working mom, it's not too often i hang out with my real mommy friends). i was tuning-in to see what their babies were doing, how they were coping with lack of sleep and what their challenges were. funny thing is, you don't really get "reality" from watching. not because they're not experiencing the same things i am, but because the fun of the show (what airs) are primarily the other aspects of their lives. that has to be part of why i watch it. there aren't too many days when i lease a store front and hire designers to create a hot new york retail spot, or visit the factory of the top shelf beverage i created, or tell the live-in nanny where the formula and onesies are located. hats off to these women who have created wonderful lives for their families, serious dedication. and doing it all with lots of love, kisses and smiles for their little ones.

i think the real reason i look forward to both programs is to the contrary, they're my break from reality. 

below kourtney and bethenny doing the daily things so many of us can relate to:


locks of love

a friend told me several years ago, as women get older their hair gets shorter. she read, that a woman subconsciously make herself less attractive, after they find their "mate." she relayed that for some, long tresses are used to reel their partners in and then cutting it shorter to take oneself off the market. i have never forgotten this and it's always bothered me. for one, not everyone has long hair. i had short hair in 4th grade and it's been 25 years since my hair has been above my shoulders. most of my childhood, teenage years and adulthood has been spent with hair down my back. i've enjoyed it's versatility and ability to style however i choose - up, down, in a bun, braid, curly straight, down the middle, side part, product, or natural. 

i felt like if i cut it, i was somehow succumbing to a domestic world that no longer enjoyed being sexy and having fun (rubbish!). was i checking off: married, child and impending birthday? would i be proving the theory instead of proving it wrong? but then i was reminded of locks of love. a great organization that makes prosthetic hair pieces for disadvantaged children,  that have lost their hair primarily due to medical conditions. a fellow mom had just done it, my dad grew his buzz cut for locks of love a decade ago and my sister had done it. seemed like the perfect inspiration to  just go for it. it's the first time i really felt, "it's just hair and it will grow back." thanks to mimi for taking such good care of me, in what was a bit of a leap of faith. I LOVE my makeover hair!! it's been so easy, i feel lighter and fresh. the best part, as if a goal i've always had has finally been realized. who knew so much thought and emotion was tied to those locks?
less time on hair = more time with baby